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Cecilia Yau Couture x SK-II 

Reported by Cosmopolitan magazine

室内灰色调的空间,让黄色的沙发更加的醒目个性,精致简约的家具和饰品,空间透露着高雅的品味。香港貿易發展局, 大新銀行澳博 恆基兆業 維多利亞幼稚園 資生堂 澳博, 集團制服,Professional, 專業 , 时尚的...设计,极致的细节展现了意大利的精致美学,也展现了Cecilia Yau Couture 的品牌精神, corporate image, company uniform, image styling, innovation, stylist, SKII, beauty products uniform, womens executive, womenswear, suit, bespoke suit, beige, skirt, jacket, blouse, shirt, tasteful, elegant, HKTDC, SASA, executive suit, bespoke suit, jacket, blouse, skirt, dress, SKII, scarf, aura, whiteness, cosmopolitan, serum, beauty queen,高貴優雅,雪紡色釘,絲質,晚裝,婚紗禮服,宴會,盛裝赴會,浪漫細緻,人手繡花,刺繡,钉珠,高級定制,法國,立體裁剪,閃耀奪目,浪漫美麗回憶,完美婚禮,一生一世,伴娘裙,集團制服,形象設計,顧問服務,婚慶時尚專業,婚紗攝影形象造型,魚尾裙,a字裙,修身,長裙,雞尾酒,一世美好回憶,innocent,overseas wedding,floral decorations,floral print,french French,lace,silk,chiffon,cotton duchess satin,embroidery,beading, tailoring ,handmade ,bespoke ,italian cutting, Italian, suit fabrics, celebrations ,occasions, crossover ,special Project, luxury brands 婚禮註冊,頭紗頭飾,度身訂做,one of a kind ,delicate, romantic, crossover
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